
Company headquarters


Štúrovo namestie 132/16

911 01, Trenčín

Invoicing data

ID: 53238435

VAT number: SK2121312974

Contact people

Telephone and email contact

+421 910 211 129

(objednávky, reklamácie, zákaznícky servis)

+421 948 687 142

(objednávky do salónu, vlasová konzultácia)

Opening hours – Trenčín

  • Mon: based on orders
  • Tue: based on orders
  • Wed: based on orders
  • Thu: based on orders
  • Fri: based on orders
  • Sat: based on orders
  • Sun: based on orders
In exceptional cases, it may happen that we are also closed during the day. Therefore, we recommend customers to check whether it is open before visiting our store. It is possible to arrange an individual appointment outside of opening hours. You can contact us if necessary. Thank you for understanding.

Opening hours – Dubnica nad Váhom

  • Mon: 7:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Tue: 7:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Wed: 7:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Thu: 7:30 am – 3:30 pm
  • Fri: 7:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • Sat–Sun: based on orders

We are happy to help you even outside classic working hours – feel free to contact us and make an appointment anytime.

In exceptional cases, it may happen that we are also closed during the day. Therefore, we recommend customers to check whether it is open before visiting our store. It is possible to arrange an individual appointment outside of opening hours. You can contact us if necessary. Thank you for understanding.

Any questions? Ask us

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    We love animals and we are fundamentally against testing cosmetics on them. That's why we decided that only we together with experienced dermatologists will test the cosmetics. The products also do not contain any animal fats.


    Our cosmetics can be proud of the high quality of Slovak production. We know what we put into it, and that's why you can have 100% confidence in our cosmetics.


    We guarantee that our products contain no harmful substances, no silicones, parabens, sulfates, synthetic perfumes, animal fats, dangerous preservatives or substances based on mineral oils made from petroleum.


    The products are 100% natural, vegetarian, some even vegan. All in all: Everything from nature with maximum respect for it. Thanks to this, the products can also be used by children and pregnant women.

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